Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets in Concert

The chamber of secrets has been opened, enemies of the heir beware!
Why see Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets in Concert?
Sit back and open your eyes and ears as a prominent orchestra presents the most chilling installment in all seven volumes in the life of The Boy Who Lived. Whilst the movie plays in HD on a giant screen in the auditorium, a live symphony orchestra will play John Williams' iconic score alongside, making the magic come to life for you and your family. Presented by Warner Brothers and CineConcerts, this live musical experience is a must-see for any serious Harry Potter fan!
Things are getting dangerous at Hogwarts as Harry and pals begin their second year at the famed school of witchcraft and wizardry. Students are getting petrified where they stand. As the teachers scrabble to fins a cure, the Golden Trio decide it's time to take matters into their own hands. But when Hermione is found frozen, it looks like their days are numbered. Time to follow the spiders! And what of those strange whispers in the walls?
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